Maximize Your Cash Flow with Solutions Loan

Supports the liquidity needs of the business in a faster term.

Why Vitas?

Vitas understands the challenges small-sized enterprises face in maintaining a steady cash flow and seizing growth opportunities. With Vitas Solutions Loan, you can overcome short-term liquidity constraints and boost your business's cash flow instantly. This loan, part of Vitas's business loan offerings, provides the necessary liquidity for small-sized enterprises to meet financial obligations, reinvest in operations, and manage essential operational requirements without incurring additional debt or sacrificing equity. Unlock your business potential, seize new opportunities, and fuel growth with Vitas Solutions Loan.

Enjoy a hassle-free experience provided all necessary paperwork is complete.
Amount Interest Rate (%) Min EIR % Max EIR % Terms
1500 - 2000 23.5 28.66 44.91 1 - 48Months
2001 - 4000 23.5 28.66 44.91 1 - 48Months
4001 - 5000 23.5 28.66 44.91 1 - 48Months
5001 - 6000 22.5 28.66 44.91 1 - 48Months
6001 - 8000 22.5 28.66 44.91 1 - 48Months
8001 - 10000 22.5 28.66 44.91 1 - 48Months
10001 - 14000 23 28.66 44.91 1 - 48Months
14001 - 50000 23 28.66 44.91 1 - 48Months
50001 - 60000 22 28.66 44.91 1 - 48Months
60001 - 70000 22 28.66 44.91 1 - 48Months
70001 - 75000 22 28.66 44.91 1 - 48Months
75001 - 80000 22 28.66 44.91 1 - 48Months
80001 - 106000 22 28.66 44.91 1 - 48Months
106001 - 110000 22 28.66 44.91 1 - 48Months

Important note: The company adheres to the Finance Companies Regulation No. (107) for the year 2021 issued pursuant to Article (65) of the Central Bank of Jordan Law No. (23) for the year 1971 and the instructions issued pursuant thereto and related to the criterion of the maximum value and fragmentation, which determines the maximum allowable loan.

Commission for granting credit is calculated in accordance with the provisions of Commission and Fees regulations for microfinance institutions no. (1/2023) in effect 14/6/2023.

In case the credit approval stipulates a condition of salary transfer based on an authorization document, where the monthly installment is deducted directly from the transferred salary to the bank (according to the terms of the agreements signed between the company and the relevant banks), the bank's commission for the cost of salary transfer deduction, issuance, and management of the authorization documents is calculated and deducted from the net loan amount, subject to the terms and conditions.

Loan calculator

Calculated at:
JD 0
  • Interest rates and monthly repayment amount are approximate and subject to change at any time.
  • The company is committed to apply regulations issued by the Central Bank of Jordan regarding the calculation of the Effective Interest Rate (EIR) which is defined as: One percentage point; represents the annual effective cost of a loan/ financing, over the term of the loan/ financing. It includes nominal interest rates/returns and costs specified in the contract.
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